Thursday, July 21, 2005

M loves nature. She collected these items as we walked on the beach and she perused her surroundings. That's my M!

I took this picture as I was walking Loki, and M was walking Lance. I told M that I'd be posting this, but that it would be okay because you can't really see any details.

Loki fetches a tennis ball that M tossed in the water. What a brave puppy dog! And where was Lance? Staying nice and dry on the beach!

M holds Loki and Lance so that I can take a picture. Though they didn't hold still for long! I know, it'd be a much better picture if you could see her face, especially since she's pretty. But M values her privacy, and I respect M's wishes.

Loki cavorts in the sand. I'm surprised that there are no other dogs in the vicinity.

April 16th was the first time M and I took Lance and Loki to the dog beach. I only had my cell phone camera with me, so these pictures aren't the best quality (especially since I reduced their size). Loki did not hesitate to jump into Lake Michigan. She was a little leery of the other dogs (over fifty of them, all off-leash), but that's to be expected, since she was a puppy and most of the other dogs were adults.

It was February 12th, the day I saw her, adopted her, and took her home. This is the first picture I ever took of Loki. I shot it with my cell phone camera. I sent it to my girlfriend (M), without telling her anything first. She called me and asked, "Is that a dog?" (Hey, I know it's easy to see here, but she was looking at it on her tiny cell phone screen.) She knew I'd been thinking of getting a dog. But I don't think she figured I'd get one quite that soon.

Notice that Loki's belly is shaved. That's because she'd recently been spayed. I also had her leashed to my recumbent exercise bike, so she wouldn't go wandering around the house. And that's the first toy I bought her, a Kong on a rope.

Loki was pretty excited the day (actually, it was night) I brought her home, so she's snoozing here. She's cute with her front paws curled like that.
Okay, I haven't posted in quite a while. 'Course, that's because I've been a bit busy. But I really don't want to let the time keep going by without putting something up on the web log, so here goes.