Thursday, July 27, 2006

We're waiting for the driver to get back in the car; put the cell phone/camera back in your pocket, get in here, and let's go!
[Click on the photo to see a larger version.]

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

M and I were at the Naperville Riverwalk this July 4th holiday. We crossed one of the bridges to the south side of the river, and walked west until we came to the end of the official path. After that we walked the dirt/wood shavings narrow "trail" next to the condos and houses until it dead ended about five minutes later. At that dead end we saw a mother duck and her five ducklings. We stood still and the mother duck walked her ducklings right up to us! :) So then we walked backwards a few steps to give her some room. I took this shot with my cell phone camera, and since I didn't want to spook her, I didn't crouch down to take the picture, so it's not the best shot. But still, it was surprising and cool to meet a mother duck who wasn't afraid of us, even though she was shepherding five ducklings.