I am a sentimental sap. These two cups are ones that M didn't need because she bought new ones (the cup on the right has a chip that's not visible in the picture). I was happy to take them off her hands because they remind me of the good times early in our relationship. They might be worth only a quarter in a second-hand store, but they are priceless to me.
Last Sunday was the first day of the new season that I went for my usual run. In the past few years I’ve made it a point to run roughly four miles twice a week, normally on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I enjoy running, but I am not fast; I do it for fitness and relaxation. So, Sunday was the first day in a long while that I went for a run, and my body let me know it in no uncertain terms. After the first mile it told me I could stop now, and after the third mile it seemed to be actively battling with my willpower. However, determination won the morning.
Tuesday should have been the next running day, but that didn’t happen. My legs were still a bit sore. Today I did go running again, and while my muscles were tight, it felt very good. After the third mile my body told me that it wouldn't hurt to walk, but it wasn't actively complaining. When I got home I took the dogs for a walk as a cool down. Then I took a shower, ate breakfast, and went to work. It was a good morning.
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